Monday, May 16, 2005

What the Hell Do I know about the Christian Movement

People ask me all the time how I 'allegedly' know the Christian Movement. I grew up in it, in fact a prize pupil, and a I was the youngest member ever of Fairfield Baptist Church. I was a member of the Church until the betrayal. (That's a another story). Fairfield Baptist at the time also had a great phenomena going on. Ray Bakke first Church in Chicago was there. He would become instrumental in the Lausanne covenant.

But as he learned and created a global plan to evangelize Cities, I was his apprentice. Ray Bakke may know more about urban ministry than any other evangelical.He taught me everything I know, and even gave me the first hints of my Wiccan Future. Unwittingly, he helped form me into the man I am today. He was like my second father. He was and is simply brillant.

Today Bakke, 58, has served as senior associate for large cities with the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization; helped found the Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastoral Education (SCUPE), which trains urban pastors; launched the Seminario Biblico Hispano of Chicago; and helped found Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding (EMEU).

So when people ask me how I know about Global Evangelism, I apprenticed for my entire youth and half my teen years, with the Man who leads a global campaign that is leading the effort that will make America a Theocracy. I was his son Brian's best Sunday Friend. I learned, I memorized, and to this day it is why I know how to build the World's largest Wiccan Church, I also know why I am.

It's about Freedom. Real Freedom. It's about truth.

It's all about In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

But that is where I trained. Check it out. Feel free to ask.

Strange world.

But here is the Lausanne Covenant. It's dramatic.



Blogger said...

Thank You for sharing that. Christian's abuse the system consistently and it is expected. I am grateful for your story, and while we are horriefied at what happened, none of us are truly shocked. It is always an offense to the Sacredness we find dear, and to them no big deal.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 at 10:30:00 PM PDT  

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