Monday, May 23, 2005

Coming to Grips with the Culture War!

Over the last year, the conflict has heated up and I truly accept that we are now in the midst of a Culture War. At the core of a Cultural War is the conflict over the central paradigm of thought that controls power. A cultural war calling into question in which decisions on how to control power will be allowed. The agreement by which we will be governed is the very battleground in which we fight a Culutre War.

The Culture War has been coined and declared first by the Evangelical Right, and now more mainstream sources including Businessweek. So I accept that this is the term for the high level supersymbolic third wave conflict of the new emerging civilization. We are at war inside our culture, our way of living, of believing, of earning wealth, of sharing resources, even the goals of what we want. We are being asked by the Evangelic Christian Movement to put god and Jesus back as the central paradigm, and make sure that all our beliefs agree on this. They beleive that enough followers can control the democracy and the longer they can hold it, the moer they move the country towards their goals. Chrisitan leadership has declared the Culture War is fully engaged, and we are to be some of it's tragic victims.

So it's funny for me, because I don't believe in being in a victim, I am working towards developing a strategy that makes sure Wicca is legally protected, and allow our numbers to grow. In exchange, they cry from the Pagan community is that we are commercializing Wicca. They want to be victims, underdogs, and demand their rights.
What they can't seem to understand is that they really don't have rights, rights are earned by using them, fighting for them and then protecting them.

The Evangelic Movement is the FASTEST GROWING RELIGION IN THE USA, not Wicca. Islam is outstripping Wicca as well, and secular numbers have increased faster than Wiccans. Imigration grows Hnduism, Buddism as well. Only the Catholics and Protestant Mainline traditions are losing numbers. Wicca growth is fairly modest....after all do we have 1800 Covens or groups forming this year. Nah..but we are seeing that many Evangelical Churches forming, several hundred new Mosque groupings, even Bahai and Hindu's are talking new centers. Wicca is not even close to any of that.

So I am grips with the fact a Culture War is open, the offensive has begun, and I don't know how we are going to survive it as a community. I can only hope.


Blogger Cathy, Wise Weeds said...

because I don't believe in being in a victim, I am working towards developing a strategy that makes sure Wicca is legally protected, and allow our numbers to grow. In exchange, the cry from the Pagan community is that we are commercializing Wicca. They want to be victims, underdogs, and demand their rights. What they can't seem to understand is that they really don't have rights, rights are earned by using them, fighting for them and then protecting them.

I agree with you. Too many people don't like the so-called idea of commercialization. But that does not stop them from hero-worshiping pagan/wiccan authors at festivals. Or buying the latest, and often, most expensive merchandise.

Yet, putting their money and commitment to getting and preserving their rights is a foreign concept.

Don't you know that, as an activist, you're supposed to do this out of the goodness of your heart? With no financial compensation? [heavy sarcasm intended]

Tuesday, May 24, 2005 at 7:13:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Kel-Bell said...

It seems to me, that wiccan/pagan/earth based traditions are by nature, very loosly organized. There is little need for conformity or consensus of thought. This is the root of the political downfall W/P/EB rights.

In contrast, "The Big Three" (ie: Christian, Jewish, Muslim) are all very structured. They dont just encourage public outreach, they demand that members activly work to convert others. It is part of their doctrine. Not just a duty, but a religious rite.

They have long lists of rules for their followers, and demand conformity.

According to Jung, acceptance is the most desired human need. This is how these groups expand and thrive. When they threaten exile to those who do not conform, this fear solidifies their membership.

They also use fear in the linear doctrine of Heaven and hell.

The concept behind W/P/EB religions is as varied as nature itself. It is not based on conformity or community, or growing its member base. There are not rules about witnessing or converting or demanding that we all live under the same religious law.

There are no rules stating that we must avoid birth control. In contrast, the Catholics literally breed new members!

For Pagans, Wiccans, Druids, Satanists, et. all To unite under one banner, seems almost impossible. It would imply a sense of conformity that simply does not exist within the framework of the earth based theologies.

However, if the members of the non mainstream religions do not unite, and unite soon, they will be dealt a crushing blow from the heavy hand of the zealots.

Public education, community outreach, alliances with other percecuted groups, and a highly visible voting block or PAC would all be steps in the right direction.

The earth based matriarchies of the world have always been loosely organized and peaceful. (Live and let live.)

The patriarchies have been historically war like and agressive. Like the Pac Man game, their doctrines teach them to gobble up or destroy everything in their path.

Their violence and oppression must be stopped.

Does this mean that we have to fight fire with fire? That we must use their tactics?

I dont know, but It brings this poem to mind:

He drew a circle to shut them out:
A thing to flout
But Love and I had the wit to win,
We drew a circle
that took them in.

Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 8:57:00 AM PDT  

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